There is a stream of well being that carries us. Esther/ Abraham Hicks speaks of this in all of her speeches, books and events. It is a stream that is to lead us to where we are to be. It is the flow.
Resistance to this stream, this flow, creates blockages within life, within ourselves and others. We begin to struggle. When we struggle, we become exhausted. If you are in water and begin kicking and fighting and become exhausted, you drown. We begin to fight this current and the more we fight, the more removed we are from our natural state of being.
If we were to let go and let the stream take us, what would happen? Would and could it be that easy? Why would it not? As humans, we are taught to struggle; to work hard for what we want. But in life, not everything is truly difficult. Happiness and joy are as easy as letting go.
Control is a very simple yet powerful word. We attempt to manipulate and control others so that we receive the outcome that benefits us. Others do the same to us. But what would happen if we tried to control only ourselves and let life handle the flow around us? Fear settles in. We become afraid. We cannot "see" the outcome and the fear of the unknown challenges our comfort levels and our ability to breathe. We panic.
It sounds easy. It is easy. But yet, we hold on. The current becomes stronger and in the end, we let go. We float at such a speed to only realize we are floating. We have not gone under. It is quite the contrary. We are sailing. We are going with the flow and the flow is taking us to where we should be. This is not always where we want to be, but this way the outcome will always be in our favor.
Let go. Go with the flow. Put down the sword of indecision and allow this stream to comfort, lead and guide you. You will be glad you did.
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