Thursday, August 19, 2010

We Are All Connected

Today, I am not alone. There are others. People who feel, need, want, dream, believe, struggle, fight, wish, hope, pray, live, trust, try, smile, cry- there is WE.

People are not meant to be alone. When we hear the term "alone" many think first of having to "be with someone." But being alone simply means just that. Having to connect does not mean we must be within a relationship. It means we simply connect to one another. Relationships do not always have to be involved.

We are to connect by reaching out, but most importantly to allow others to reach into us. Life happens because humanity intertwines. It cannot continue to happen when we remove ourselves from within the flow of the world. Reach out. Let life reach in. Allow yourself to connect to others. Others are going through very similar things you are going through. All to often, we do not like admit to this. We feel the pressure of having to be "perfect," "normal."

In life, we are imperfectly perfect and that makes us normal. Love this. Love you. There are no standards as to who we have to be, only that which we want to be. See others as equal human beings as well. They hurt, love, need, give, feel, try and want also. We cannot judge a book by its cover. Some of the best stories I ever read were books that had no cover at all...

Happy beautiful Thursday Movers!!!!!

Get out there and live!


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