Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ask Yourself. Answer Honestly.

Ask Yourself. Answer Honestly.

As the world winds down around me, I feel inspired to write. So many events, opinions, energies have been experienced today. From the discussions of the controversial proposed Islamic center and mosque being built near ground zero to the wavering faith in the US president. From the egg recalls due to salmonella poisoning to Chelsea Handler hosting the MTV Music Video Awards. From the case of little Haleigh Cummings hopefully coming to a close to many children within the world getting ready to return to school... It's apparent. Life continues to take place.

The world will not stop spinning around us. It will continue to turn and the seasons will change. Will we continue to watch it take place around us? Or will we jump in and experience our own flow within this space?

Life is to be questioned. But what is important is not to question for the sake of questioning but to ask yourself the right questions. Am I happy? What do I want? What will make me the happiest? Where did I let myself go? Where can I go to regain myself? What do I want for myself within this amazing and personal life?

The answers to these questions are just as important as the questions are. We are questioned by people and ourselves each day. But do we answer these questions honestly? Many of us answer questions only to find that there are more pressing answers, more honest answers that we choose to keep hidden within us.

If we are going to become an active participant within our own lives, we must question and answer ourselves openly and honestly, no matter what the results may be. All to often we cling to things that are unhealthy for us. Relationships, habits, thoughts... We seem to be afraid of change. Is it change we are afraid of or is it the idea that we might actually move on and find happiness by letting go? The fear of the unknown paralyzes us.

We cannot be controlled by this fear if happiness, freedom, love and life is what we seek. The world will continue to turn with our without us. What would like be like if we were to.... Exist? Completely.
Enjoy your evening everyone. Here's to another day within our own Movement Within. Here's to another day period.

Love, Light and always Life,


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