Monday, July 11, 2011

Below is the interview from The Voice Within blog. Camile Araujo interviewed me and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed answering Camile's perfect questions. Love, Light and Movement, xoxo -April

Moving From The Inside Out - THE MOVEMENT WITHIN

Once in a while we come across people who are real movers.  People who take "living" to a whole 'nother level.  These people have a gift and they make it a point in their lives to share their gift with their world.  They look at you and see themselves also.  They understand.  They feel.  They relate.  One of these people is April Claxton, founder of The Movement Within.  

After my awesome cruise around the Western Caribbean with Hay House, my life took an incredible turn towards my innermost dreams.  I was being coached by Vanessa Talbot (Writers' Success Creation Coach) and she had told me that writers often speak in public.  I needed to start looking into some speaking engagements for myself.  The Universe took action right away.  In less than a week, I came across April's page on Facebook and went to one of her classes which were held at Modern Zen (Davie, FL) at the time.  After meeting April, she invited me to come back the following week and be a guest speaker in her class.  The topic was GRATITUDE.  

April is an Intuitive Life Coach, Author, Inspirational Speaker, and superb human being.  I believe greatly in intuition, hence The Voice Within, but April is pretty phenomenal.  The Sunday prior to me speaking in her class, I asked her for an intuitive reading.  It was during the summer of 2010.  Prior to leaving my house that day and after the reading was done.  April looked at me and said, "The angels are asking me to tell you about "Stacy"."  I had no idea who "Stacy" was, so I shrugged the information off.  As soon as I saw her to the door and came to my computer to check my emails, my mom had sent me an email about my to-be daughter, whose name was Anastasia, but the nurses in the hospital where she was born referred to her as "Tasi".  I will never forget that day.  

One morning, as Tasi slept and I watched her in wondrous awe, feeling deep love and gratitude for her presence in my life, I remembered the day when April told me about her before I even knew she existed.  I decided to interview April and let a little more of the world know what she does and how incredibly well she does it.  Below is the interview.  Please keep in mind my initials are CA and April's are AC.  Enjoy!! 


A.C. - I believe an ILC is one who is able to intuitively guide, direct and support their clients through their own revolutionary life journey. An ILC offers divine intuitive information that comes through for the client without judgment and offers support through simply holding the space for the client to connect with his/ her loved ones, Spirit Guides and Angels. Divine messages also include tools that are relevant to each client in order for them to grow, learn and evolve. An ILC is also one who takes their position to heart. Clients place their own hearts in our hands, and I do not take this lightly. An ILC should do all they can to insure that they are strictly being used to heal and assist instead of doing the healing and assisting themselves.  


A.C. - I have known that "something" was "different" in me since I was little. The older I got, the more I realized I wasn't different at all. We all have this ability- just some are more in tune than others. I found out exactly how I was being called to use this ability while I was experiencing my own healing. It is often when we arrive at the bottom of the barrel that we discover exactly who we are and who we want to be. It is when we are unable to fly that we discover we truly have wings. 

A.C. - When I arrived at "the bottom of the barrel," I began to Move Within. I had to. All that we will ever need is within us. I had to figure out how I worked and didn't work- how I felt and didn't feel- what was mine to work with and what wasn't mine to work with. I realized that I wasn't broken and I began to journal and journal and journal. I discovered that I had been "speaking" to Divine sources (from within me) through my writing. I filled journals upon journals of detailed messages about humanity, lessons, goals, life, family, love... It became apparent to me that I wanted God/ Source/ Spirit- your God, my God- to use me as a direct channel of information and messages to help others move within themselves as well. If I could discover my purpose and my own values of self, and if that could inspire me to make a difference in my own life, then imagine what the same thing could do for someone else! And The Movement Within was born. It was actually called Inner Hope in the beginning but I believe that website was already taken. When I asked my Guides what to call it instead, they stated in writing, "The Movement Within." Life requires movement. Growth requires movement. The best type of movement will always start and take place within.


A.C. - This is a great question. The goal of TMW is its motto: Lifting Humanity. One Heart at a Time. It only takes one heart to be inspired to dance to the beat of its own drum in order to create a ripple effect for others. It's simple.


A.C. - My mission is to simply make a positive difference in the world so that the bits of the world I do touch feel the love that DOES exist. The world is only as dark as we see it to be. I see bright colors of joy, life- butterflies that flutter by to make us smile, moments of choice that are there to enlighten and encourage, peace, serenity, hope.... My mission is hope.


A.C. - My source of inspiration is the world around me. The pain, the suffering, the hurting, the life, the love, the hopes, the dreams... that inspires me to love more and lift more. I am a bleeding heart and even though I cannot do the healing for people, I still long to teach others how to learn to heal themselves. Healing feels good- especially when we each do our own work from the inside out. What an empowering feeling! 


A.C. - Anyone who wants to. Anyone who feels "pulled" to "something" that is calling them. Anyone who says, "You know what? I don't know what is happening within me or my life- but SOMETHING is happening and I need to find out!" Each of us is called, not to find our purpose and save the world, but to find our purpose and love ourselves. In doing this, we save the world. Anyone who knows that the world has love within it and they feel pulled to this- no matter how broken, lost, confused, sad, scared, and unsure or disconnected they feel- these are the ones who benefit from this work. It is not my work- I am simply a torch holder who passes on the torch. It is the work of the Self and God/ Spirit/ Source is the light. 


A.C. - People "end up" in front of me. I often hear, "I just found you." Or, "My friend referred you." It is interesting how Source/ Spirit/ God will bring people to me. People would come to me to hear what it is they are supposed to hear right now at this point in time in their lives from their Guides, God, Angels and Loved Ones. They would come for support, direction, encouragement, validation, hope, clarity... And then I send them on their way to KEEP MOVING. They come back for touch ups, but- and as much as love and appreciate my clients- it is also my goal that they continue on their paths without me. They can return as needed, but I cannot do the work for them. They must learn to do the work for themselves. This is where the treasures are. People usually feel connected to me. I think it is because through the sessions, they feel themselves for the first time. They feel their courage, strength and they find their own hopes. It's like the scene in Bambi when Bambi walks for the first time. He falls but eventually he gets up and can walk all on his own. I want to bring people to their feet and then I want them to walk on their own and then run and then dance! 


A.C. - I have written 3 so far. The first was 'The Movement Within: 8 Steps To Ignite The Movement Within.' This teaches you how to begin and experience your own Movement Within. I was inspired to write this when I was asked to speak to a group of young boys and girls who were in a lock up facility. I thought God was crazy for sending me there to speak to amazing children who have experienced many less than amazing lives. I sat down and said, "OK, God, what do you want ME to tell THEM?" And the 8 steps were born. As time went on, these steps became a class that I taught and then evolved into a book.

The second book was 'The Power of Self-Love: A Mini Book, Because a Little Goes a Long Way." It is a smaller book with big font so that you can read it in under an hour. It is cute and funny and deep. It brings you to your inner child. It has an exercise that introduces you to him/ her. Without our inner child, we would not be. I wrote this first as an E-book and then had it published. I wanted to give something back to my clients and those who visited the website. And, voila! It is on the homepage of free for download.

And the third book is my favorite! It is a children's book that has been endorsed by New York Times bestselling author, Melody Beattie and also TV Guide Network. It also allowed me to become a part of the StoneWall National Museum and Archives Distinguished Author Series. 'Goodnight Just The Same' was illustrated by Diane Koziol Krueger and together we created a book that does one simple thing: it nurtures EVERY family dynamic telling each and every child that they matter and their family IS normal. The moon cares not your name or location or family type. It tucks everyone in just the same. I wrote this because I was raised in a divorced household with a step-parent. I also have a daughter who is being raised in a "non-traditional" family environment as well. I realized that all of these situations are normal and traditional! Every book was read to me or that I read to my daughter always had a mom and a dad. That unfortunately is no longer the "norm" in our society today. EVERY child needs to feel as if they are right where they are supposed to be and they ARE normal. And so, Goodnight Just The Same was written.   


A.C. - So, this question has made me tear up a little. I just want people to remember me and think, 'She loved life. She taught me that life is within me and that I am alive too! How great it was to meet or know her." That's it. I want people to see life through me. I want to be the mirror in which they can see themselves for the first time and then are able to go and not just live but truly come alive within their own lives. That is how I want to be remembered. I want be the April who created a Movement of Self and Love. 


A.C. - This is it folks. We are here together for a reason. We can either use this lifetime to experience life through each other or we can lose the lesson. Life is what you make it and however you make it will create your life. Let go. Let love. Let life. Let. Go. 

(I love this answer by the way.  Love it with all my heart. -c.a.)

I believe April is just beginning.  She is a force to be reckoned with.  She is an inspiration to all of us.  Start moving and check her out.  

Thank you, April, for taking the time to answer the questions.  One of my questions made you tear up, all of your answers brought tears to my eyes.  I have a seven video series that gives 7 steps to learning how to listen to your own Voice Within, and the last step is TAKE ACTION.  In other words, for anything in our lives to happen, we need to take action, start moving, and it starts within.  

I strongly encourage everyone to visit The Movement Within website, and the Facebook page.  The Movement Within also has a channel on YouTube under the same name and April has a radio show on CBS, that airs on Mondays at 6pm, EST.  In case you feel inspired to purchase April's books, I included the link to each one of them, correspondingly.  
And I thank you, Camile for such a wonderful interview! Thank YOU for Moving!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Today Be The Day To Find My Way!

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who enjoy being behind a desk, those who feel chained to a desk and those who must fly as far away from a desk as possible. Which one are you? Sometimes we are behind a desk because at the present time we have no choice. Bills must get paid. But tomorrow does come. The sun sets and always rises. So what exactly am I trying to get at here? My point: life is always what we make it.

What do you think about when you lay in bed each night before you close your eyes? Many of us think the same thing, "Tomorrow I will make it my life. Tomorrow I will start, I will try... I will..." And we close our eyes and open them to the sound of the alarm and hit the ground running- but many of us are still back in bed, hoping and dreaming...

What do you want to do? Are you a writer? A painter? A speaker? A teacher? A dancer? An activist? A mother? I singer? Do you want to extreme coupon? Do you want to rearrange the garage? Do you want to move? Why do we lay in bed each night only dreaming of what our lives could be like if only... we did what our hearts wanted to do. If only...

If only we woke up and changed the course of our day! How many of us say that if only we walked or stretched would we feel better? If only I set my alarm a little earlier and went to bed earlier? If only I smiled more at work and took classes at night- maybe guitar classes or art classes... If only I learned how to eat better... Why is it that what we desire actually sounds childish or impossible when we begin to make it a priority? It is not. Our fears of failing or succeeding or changing seem to alter this in our minds.

Many times our parents told us growing up that we were too wild or crazy to dream up such things. But look at many of their lives now. Do you know how many older women I work with who tell me that they wish they would have fallen in love with the milk boy when they were 20 or they should have continued to tap dance when they were 30- if only they actually lived their lives....

What can you do right now to live your life? Are you chained to your desk? Do you actually love your desk and are living from the inside out? Or are you a free spirit who must be out and about to grow and flow? Whichever one you are, claim it. Own it. And then move with it. Allow where you are to MOVE you to where you want to be. It's the only place that matters. Right here. Right now. It is the only place where we can make anything happen. Tomorrow will come but the actions to change it must happen today.

Today, make a list of things you can start doing- large or small- that will begin to move you in the direction of your dreams and desires. You can't bake award-winning pies if you don't know the first thing about pie crust. You can't speak to the world if you have a fear of speaking. You can't paint without brushes... Begin. You. Today. Your heart is waiting. So are we.

xo Love, Light and Always Life,

Monday, June 13, 2011

April Claxton is Part of the Distinguished Author Series at Stonewall Museum and Archives in Fort Lauderdale, FL June 11, 2011

On Saturday June 11, 2011 I became part of the Distinguished Author Series at Stonewall Museum and Archives in Fort Lauderdale, FL for my children's book, Goodnight Just The Same. It was a day that will stay in my memory box forever.

Not only was I honored to be there and read from this important book, but this day marked a special point in my career as an author. And what a place it was to do it!

Stonewall is extremely important for me for many reasons. The Stonewall National Museum & Archives is an extraordinary publicly accessible cultural and educational resource that preserves, interprets and shares the remarkable heritage of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. More than that, they serve as an epicenter of enlightenment for our community and have played a significant role in building bridges of cultural understanding in the LGBT community and beyond. The Stonewall National Museum & Archives provides a unique cultural and intellectual alternative in the community and through our collections, programs and services they honor and explore the past while striving to engage, inform and inspire the next generation of our community’s leaders.

So to be honored that Stonewall will house Goodnight Just The Same is an understatement. The book now sits proudly on the same shelf as Heather Has Two Mommies, Donovan's Big Day, And Tango Makes Three- as well as many others.

Goodnight Just The Same is not only for "gay" families. It truly is for all families. It is a book about family. Period. When I grew up in a "non-traditional" family with divorced parents, I read from children's books. I always felt as if these books carried me away to a place where things were happy, safe and functional- clearly something was wrong with me because my family was not like any of the families in these books. Or so I thought.

For children who are raised in "non-traditional" families, it is important that they know that their family is traditional. Every family is a family. Every dynamic, make-up, structure... wherever that child is, is normal to them. And when the numbers rise, it becomes normal for society as well- whether society likes it or not.

We cannot deny a child because of their family. We are to embrace them and encourage them. Whether a child has one mom, no mom, a grandparent, step-parents, two moms, two dads... and the dynamics continue... this child is to know that they are normal and their family is just as necessary and real as any other family. This is why books like Goodnight Just The Same are so important. They put every child on the map. And being on the map feels good. Being acknowledged for who we are and where we are feels good. And feeling good is the reason most of us make decisions to do anything at all.

Kids have to be given the room and the support to be. We live in a society where we are constantly told that who and where we are needs to be fixed, tweaked, remodeled, adjusted, changed... what does that really tell us and our children? It tells us that where we are and who we are is not good enough. Children grow up feeling this in school and through their peers. It will happen anyway. This is why it is important to encourage them to feel comfortable and safe in the environment they are in at home. It's okay to not be the "norm" and to know that by doing so, they are now the norm. How great is that!?

This is also not to take away from those who do live in environments that are unsafe and unfit for any child. This is only to make note of those children who go home to whatever family it is that they have and to know that no matter what, the child is what is most important and that all feelings matter.

Writing this book for me has been such a gift. Divorce for any child- or adult- is not always easy. Emotions run rampant and support is mandatory. Adjustments are being made. Change is happening. Having step-parents also creates a new adjustment period. Having no parents also creates thoughts and feelings that need to be supported and explored. Having two moms or two dads also creates the need to have support and acceptance. Children need to feel supported. They, as do adults, have the right to feel and be heard. It is important to feel validated. We cannot be who we are not. We must support who we are and where we are. By doing so will only invest in every child's self-esteem, worthiness and ability to be just as they are. It will also invest in our own.

A family is a family as long as it comes from love. Communication is the driving force behind any family dynamic and relationship. Support and love at home, communicating freely and openly and embracing one another is what creates strong, healthy, confident children. We learn our coping skills at home. We learn how to communicate at home. We are molded from birth- conception- by our home environment and caretakers. Thousands upon thousands of children live on the Earth. All of them have an environment in which they live. However, not all of these children know how perfectly necessary and beautiful they are. A small percentage- and this includes children in homes of both moms and dads together- are actually acclimated, confident, safe, sure and happy in who they are and the family they are in. How can a child face the world wholeheartedly when the world tells them that they aren't part of the puzzle?

Everything is as normal as we make it. And to the Moon, EVERY family is tucked in Just The Same.

Thank you to Stonewall National Museum and Archives, Nate Klarfeld and Bryan Knicely for giving me and my book this experience. Thank you to my talented illustrator, Diane Koziol Krueger. Thank you to my editor, Marissa Cohen. And thank you to my family... My parents, siblings, my supportive and appreciated partner and my strong and beautiful daugther. Thank you for making me feel normal- just as I am. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

April Claxton reads Goodnight Just The Same at Stonewall National Museum & Archives

April Claxton Comes to Stonewall National Museum & Archives
June 11, 2011 1pm.

She will be reading from her childrens book,

This is fun. This is cool. This is most wonderfully awesome.

Authored by April Claxton
Illustrated by Diane Koziol Krueger
The time has come for this book to be written. There are families across the globe that no longer fit the "normal" stereotype of what a family is. This book teaches us that every family structure is "normal." We have step-mommies and step-daddies. We have no mommies and no daddies. We also have two mommies and two daddies. Some of us only have one mommy, daddy or grandparent to raise us. No matter what the structure of your family is, it is important to note that a family is a family as long as it comes from love. It is about the feelings we feel when we go to sleep so that we have better feelings when we awake. To the moon every family is tucked in Just The Same.

What people are saying:

"It will help any child of any age go to bed and wake up feeling
like they're loved."
-Melody Beattie, journalist, screenwriter and best selling author of
Codependent No More and The Language of Letting Go

"People will assume that this sweet, reassuring bedtime story is meant for children growing up in non-traditional families. And it is. But truly, it's everyone else that should be reading it."
-Linda J. States Marketing
Director, TV Guide Network

"Goodnight Just the Same will promote healthy self-esteem and
ease adjustment issues encouraging the positive attributes of all family
systems however diverse they may appear. A must for educators,
counselors, social workers, and therapists that work with young
children and families."
-April L. Kirkwood, M.Ed. Educator, Social Worker
and author of Magic on Millicent Avenue

"This book is for families who believe in families. A delightful bedtime story that celebrates the unique constellations that make up every
family situation."
-Kaylee Murphy, LICSW

Awesome Awesome Author, Dallas Clayton on The Movement Within Radio on CBS

Dallas Clayton is dropping by The Movement Within Radio May 30, 2011 6p EST

And what and Awesome World it is! Dallas Clayton is an author who spreads the most awesome-est of things! Things such as positivity, literacy, creativity and more! He wrote a book for his son about the idea of dreaming big and never giving up. He put it online and his whole life changed forever. Because of this he started a Foundation to give away one book for every copy of An Awesome Book he sold. Now he writes children's books for a living, travels the world reading to kids, and spends his days having magical adventures. 

It's All for Recovery with Sandra Huffman on The Movement Within Radio

Monday May 16, 2011 6p EST, Sandra Huffman joins The Movement Within Radio on CBS

There are very few people who have a heart and intent as pure as Sandra Huffman's. She has turned her personal fight for life into a mission of recovery for thousands. is the home base for her entire journey- from birth to Philly! This June she will be kicking off the big adventure in South Florida and will walk to Washington. Along the way she will be speaking at a wide variety of agencies and institutions to spread the word of hope and support for Recovery against addiction.
The secret little treasure? Her Mustard Seed Necklaces that she has made by hand that have been raising money for this life-changing event. Each necklace purchased will have a matching one that will be given to someoneas she walks- someone who is fighting for their life as well.

Awesome tunes provided by: Richie Supa, Ricky Byrd

Support. Recover. Be. Free.

"I know it says Sandra Walks To Washington… BUT really Philadelphia is the FINAL Destination!!
DC is where we will end our Pedometers at 1,227 miles so we can walk the last 3 Miles in Philly at
The National Rally for Recovery!" -Sandra Huffman 


John Sneed, author of 'Me' joins CBS Radio's TMW Radio

TMW Radio welcomes John Sneed
Monday 5/23/11 6p EST on CBS

It has been said "there are two sides to every story"
This is my story...
A book about me, my real life experiences - the good, the bad, and the ugly, a series of true stories that cry out - This is my life. This is what I went through and these are the battles I faced. These are the cards I was dealt and this is how I played my hand.
• Individual reflections, both gripping and true.
• A young boy losing his best friend to a terrible accident.
• A boy knowing that an adult is doing something terribly wrong, but doesn't know how to tell anyone.
• How the integration of schools played a major role in the perception of other people.
• Setting out on a journey to capture the heart of that person you pictured as the only one for you.
• Agonizing over the feeling that you must end a relationship before it destroys you.
• Understanding the power of leadership and that one of the most important skills of a leader is to show your appreciation for the efforts of your team.
• Admiring the strength of a dear friend who is dying of a terrible disease.
These stories are good and they are true. These stories will cause you to look at your past, let you see your strength and understand that life is full of obstacles. It shows that obstacles should be expected in life and if we have confidence in ourselves, we will always come out on top.

John has more than just a book to talk about. He also has an ongoing journey that is pure, blessed and just beginning.

Jillian Maas Backman LIVE on The Movement Within Radio

Monday May 9, 2011 6p EST.
Jillian is an Award-Winning Radio Personality and Intuitive Life Coach. She addresses the spiritual and emotional sides of every day life through personal interaction with people she meets during her life’s journey. With her degree in psychology from the University of Texas in San Antonio, she is able to see beyond the surface and deep into the self to understand human nature and emotion, the complete person.
“My childhood was surrounded by a continuous connection to the “church” spent honoring a faithful beginning. Great events can occur in someone’s ordinary life without their impact even being recognized for future outcomes… In other words, who knew I would know what I already know: Self-awareness of a soulful connection with intellect and intuition? Throughout my younger years I tapped into this gift, and used it here and there; it was not until my later years, in college, that I began to harness the power and understand how this process could enlighten all aspects of my life. Both my educational knowledge and life experiences have culminated into a career dedicated to intuitive life coaching and soulful living.”

She will be discussing her Movement and her new book Beyond the Pews, in which she explores the shift that is changing the state of organized religion and offers practical teachings that lead to spirituality beyond dogma.'s Ingrid Arna LIVE on TMW Radio

Monday May 2, 2011  6pm EST, The Movement Within Radio welcomes Ingrid Arna of

Bodylove encourages all women to fully embrace themselves and no longer be controlled by society’s beauty ideals. So how did come to be?

Born and raised in Australia, Ingrid Arna worked as a model and actress in New York and Los Angeles in the mid-90s. It was the Kate Moss waif era and thin was “IN”. Ingrid suffered from years of diets and self-image issues, masking pain that caused the root of her weight obsession. As she began to heal her mind, body and spirit, Ingrid’s health continued to spiral due to associated issues developed after years of dieting.
Three operations later, the Bodylove journey began. Ingrid’s near death experience was the wake up call needed to heal herself and in turn heal women worldwide. Ingrid went from living with body hate, a point where depression and anguish almost killed her, to living in a state of constant joy and peace from practices and tools learned through Bodylove.
In a world that is appearance focused and addicted to attaining contorted images of physical beauty, Ingrid is dedicated to helping women discover their inner loveliness and strength through the creation of a healing, powerful and light-hearted brand called Bodylove. Ingrid assessed the market and identified a gap in women’s apparel and Bodylove “the clothing that loves you back” was born.

A wellness coach, poet, singer and Reiki healer, Ingrid uses her intuitive ability and experience to unleash the shackles of self-defeating beliefs that haunt most woman, combining the power of the word and symbolism to the range of Bodylove.
Bodylove represents women everywhere…..a woman with so many layers and so many roles to play in our world today.
So let the channels of love open wide to make Bodylove’s miracle stride!
“At the risk of sounding ridiculous, I say all true revolutionaries are guided by great feelings of
– Che Guevera
I developed a range of T-shirts that affirms the power and strengths of all women, to assist in bringing forth your dreams, to create a deeper love of self and to affirm your values and beliefs. The affirmation technique is so powerful and tapping into the affirming force of energy can be truly magical in shaping the life you desire. So be bold, have clarity and treasure the unique beauty that you are. No one can ever take that from you.
Bodylove is about creating a new paradigm. Going from the old addictions of body criticism to a new attitude of Bodylove.
Iris, Poet Extraordinaire

Bodylove is a healing line of women’s clothing. We are already developing new products that will extend into all sort of divine things to nuture and revitalize the mind, body and spirit. Bodylove combines the power of the word, vibrational healing, visualization, manifestation and above all the energy of love. Bodylove has been coined TONIC wear, “the clothing that loves you back.”
The practice of doing affirmations allows us to begin replacing some of the stale, worn out, or negative mind chatter with more positive ideas and concepts. It is a powerful technique, one which can in a short time completely transform our attitudes and expectations about life, and thereby totally change what we create ourselves.
Shakti Gawain, acclaimed author Creative Visualization and many other fabulous books.

“It’s not your smallness that you’re afraid of. It is your greatness that you’re afraid of.”
-Nelson Mandela

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April Claxton's The Movement Within Radio Joins CBS Radio Monday May 2, 2011

On Monday May 2, 2011 at 6pm EST, April Claxton's The Movement Within Radio officially debuts on CBS Radio's April Claxton created The Movement Within Radio on Blogtalk Radio January 11, 2010 which aired Mondays at 6:30pm through April 25, 2011. TMW Radio moves into its new home on CBS

April has interviewed guests such as Melody Beattie, Dr. Craig Martin, Doreen Virtue, Leslea Newman, Oprah Radio's Derrick Ashong, Zoe Moon, Barrie John, Mick QuinnSusan Murphy Milano, Durga Holzhauser and Agni Eickermann, Larry Smith, Dr. Clint Pearman and many others. She brings her show of inspiration and hope to CBS with excitement, gratitude and enthusiasm- all for one reason: You.
Tune In to Move In with TMW Radio, now on CBS. Mondays 6:00pm EST.

Friday, April 1, 2011

From Unhappy To Happy In 4 Steps

From Unhappy To Happy In 4 Steps
By April Claxton

“Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.” -Unknown

Clients always ask me, "April, HOW do I become happy with all that IS going on in my life?" Many of us experience bills that pile up and medical issues and separations and divorce and changes and miscommunications and job problems and money issues and... The list goes on and for many of us we can keep adding to it.

My reply is simple: DISTRACTIONS.
For beginners, distractions are one way in which we can make the transition from Worry Wart to Happy Henry. If we continue to focus on what IS hurting us, upsetting us, angering us, saddening us, scaring us or worrying us, we cannot focus on all that is there to enlighten, uplift, encourage, guide and delight us. Our focus is our rudder (the thing on a boat that steers it in any direction). It directs us to where we are going emotionally, physically, mentally and even spiritually. How many times have we thought, "I just don't feel connected?"

So, just HOW do we shift our focus? On a boat, there is a lever. In our minds, we have one too-
1) We stop- completely in our tracks. And we breathe. That's right. In. Out. Visualize your breaths entering and exiting your body. Feel your skin. Notice your body and its sensations. Become aware of the moment you ARE in.

2) Relax (continue breathing). There is nothing that can be done at this very moment. If there was, the solution would be evident. Maybe the solution is evident but many times we are so worked up that we are unable to see it. Count to ten and go to step 3.

3) Find something that will "fill" your mind and distract you. What is it that would make you feel a little better right now? A walk? A song? A bath? A meal? A meditation? A book? The article links below have some GREAT ideas to get you started. Allow yourself to become inspired to "think different." If the way we are thinking now is working for us then chances are we wouldn't keep reading this article. <3
4) Understand. Understand that it's OK to not understand at all. There are bigger things going on sometimes than we can understand- things that may have nothing to do with us at all. What someone else may be learning in a situation may not be what you are to learn. In one single situation someone may be learning self-acceptance while someone else is learning patience. Someone may be learning how to exercise restraint while another is learning how to speak up effectively. EVERY situation is an opportunity to learn something. Once we learn (and practice) to say, "I don't get it and right now that is ok," we allow ourselves to do the one thing we dream about all day long: we let go and go with the flow. We give up control over things we have no control over- at least at this point in time. In doing so, we are taking control over ourselves- the ONLY thing we completely have control over at ALL times.

Life isn't easy. Actually, it becomes easier but the difficult part is learning how to recondition the way we've been conditioned. We have been conditioned by people and events our entire lives. We have also been condition by ourselves. With a little bit of patience, persistence and lightheartedness the impossible becomes possible, the undoable becomes doable and the hidden becomes revealed. Life is what we make it- once we learn how to shift our focus and follow our heart. Time makes a big difference. Patience and practice make it happen. <3 -ac

Happiness and Health (Time Magazine)

An E-book by Dr. Timothy Sharp

7 Reasons to Be Happy Even if Things Aren’t Perfect Now (

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Everybody's Got Their Something.... What's YOUR Expansion?

Here we are. You. Me. Some life experiences and a whole bunch of emotions. Good, bad or ugly, these emotions and experiences shape us into who we are- now. Are all of them preferred? Most often not. But all of them have brought you to where you are and who you are today.

 And you know what? That's a pretty special place.

Gratitude is more than just being thankful or content with what you have and where you are. Gratitude means LOVING, (ok to be more gentle) LIKING, who this person is and what this person has gone through to get here. Why? Because this person, this YOU, is AMAZING. You have HUGE potential to create anything and everything YOU want. So, what do you want?
Our past clearly gives us a big advantage here. Our past shows us what we want, what we don't want, what feels good and not so good- all so we can repeat it or change it.

Patterns. Our past helps us identify patterns.

So what patterns work for you? What patterns do not? What are you MOST liking? What has moved you? What has hurt you? What has hurt you AND has lifted you to better places within yourself?

THIS is what gratitude is. Moving. Learning. Loving and creating more. From where?
 From right where you are, who you are and what you have NOW.

You're Invited!

Why are Psychic Flair Parties becomming a new hit? Because they are fun, encouraging, new and fabulous! You get a group together and acclaimed psychic medium, April Claxton walks the group through a motivational, personal and empowering journey! Each guest receives an individual 15-20 mini- session and the cost per person is $30 and the host/ hostess receives their session for free. These can be done in person (if local or arranged) or via Skype or telephone.

Discover more at The Movement Within!

Parties have been done throughout South Florida, New Jersey and West Virginia and have ranged from 4 guests (the minimum) to 22 guests.

contact to learn more.

April Claxton's TMW Radio Joins CBS Radio: New Sky Radio!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Peace, Harmony, Pachelbel and Me~

Today is Friday. I started my day as I do everyday. I got up, woke up my little one, journied into the bathroom to see what new wonders have appeared on my face and then I got dressed. We finished our morning routines and drove to school. I then usually exercise and go tanning (I know- I know... It isn't good for my skin...That's another blog post ;) 

But today my routine was thrown off. I plan it perfectly each day- and than, BAM! Someone else's issue becomes my issue! Grrrr... The tanning salon wasn't open on time. I know, big deal. Right? A tanning salon! Come on, April. It could be worse right? But substitute this for the bank, grocery store, doctors office... Whatever it may be, this is what threw my morning off. I planned other things throughout the day like work and house chores. This was my time for me. I work hard everyday to make time for myself because I am new at loving myself... It's the little things that make a big difference. And it doesn't take much to throw me off... So, here is my time and someone else had to ruin it. Or so I thought...

I sat and waited. And waited. And waited. They were 45 minutes late! I left and went to the party store to pick up a few things and they weren't open either. I could have sworn that they opened at 9am. I was wrong. I became so angry! I take time to choose certain things for myself to add to my joy and everything thus far this morning took away from it. But I stopped.

I asked myself, "Self, what would be one thing that you CAN do right now that WOULD bring you joy despite the obstacles?" I smiled and drove to the coffee house across the street and ordered an herbal tea. Interesting. Despite the disharmony, I was able to choose something that brought harmony. As I calmed down and began to enjoy myself in the environment that just was, a song came on the radio. It is my most favorite of all classical masterpieces. Canon by Johan Pachelbel began to play and as it did, I sat and watched life unfold around me.

The birds seemed to fly by dancing to the sweet peaks of the violin. The wind flirted with the trees and bushes as the F Sharp, G Sharp and C Sharp all played in harmony. Harmony. As I allowed myself, I was able to see the harmony that was around me and I felt the harmony that was within me. Both connected. Had I continued to allow myself to become angry or frustrated and focus on the things that were not going my way, I would have lost sight of all of the things that were going my way- the flow...

I drove out of the parking lot and back to the tanning salon. And you know what? They were open. Not only were they open, but the manager comped me for the entire month because she was late.

And so, with a little willingness to find my own joy wherelife placed me, life rewarded me. And with a little Pachelbel, all things became sweeter. Today, no matter what the circumstances are, choose to focus on the good ones. They are there. ~  *hugs and kisses*

Listen to Pachelbel

Be the change you wish to see in the world~