Friday, April 29, 2011's Ingrid Arna LIVE on TMW Radio

Monday May 2, 2011  6pm EST, The Movement Within Radio welcomes Ingrid Arna of

Bodylove encourages all women to fully embrace themselves and no longer be controlled by society’s beauty ideals. So how did come to be?

Born and raised in Australia, Ingrid Arna worked as a model and actress in New York and Los Angeles in the mid-90s. It was the Kate Moss waif era and thin was “IN”. Ingrid suffered from years of diets and self-image issues, masking pain that caused the root of her weight obsession. As she began to heal her mind, body and spirit, Ingrid’s health continued to spiral due to associated issues developed after years of dieting.
Three operations later, the Bodylove journey began. Ingrid’s near death experience was the wake up call needed to heal herself and in turn heal women worldwide. Ingrid went from living with body hate, a point where depression and anguish almost killed her, to living in a state of constant joy and peace from practices and tools learned through Bodylove.
In a world that is appearance focused and addicted to attaining contorted images of physical beauty, Ingrid is dedicated to helping women discover their inner loveliness and strength through the creation of a healing, powerful and light-hearted brand called Bodylove. Ingrid assessed the market and identified a gap in women’s apparel and Bodylove “the clothing that loves you back” was born.

A wellness coach, poet, singer and Reiki healer, Ingrid uses her intuitive ability and experience to unleash the shackles of self-defeating beliefs that haunt most woman, combining the power of the word and symbolism to the range of Bodylove.
Bodylove represents women everywhere…..a woman with so many layers and so many roles to play in our world today.
So let the channels of love open wide to make Bodylove’s miracle stride!
“At the risk of sounding ridiculous, I say all true revolutionaries are guided by great feelings of
– Che Guevera
I developed a range of T-shirts that affirms the power and strengths of all women, to assist in bringing forth your dreams, to create a deeper love of self and to affirm your values and beliefs. The affirmation technique is so powerful and tapping into the affirming force of energy can be truly magical in shaping the life you desire. So be bold, have clarity and treasure the unique beauty that you are. No one can ever take that from you.
Bodylove is about creating a new paradigm. Going from the old addictions of body criticism to a new attitude of Bodylove.
Iris, Poet Extraordinaire

Bodylove is a healing line of women’s clothing. We are already developing new products that will extend into all sort of divine things to nuture and revitalize the mind, body and spirit. Bodylove combines the power of the word, vibrational healing, visualization, manifestation and above all the energy of love. Bodylove has been coined TONIC wear, “the clothing that loves you back.”
The practice of doing affirmations allows us to begin replacing some of the stale, worn out, or negative mind chatter with more positive ideas and concepts. It is a powerful technique, one which can in a short time completely transform our attitudes and expectations about life, and thereby totally change what we create ourselves.
Shakti Gawain, acclaimed author Creative Visualization and many other fabulous books.

“It’s not your smallness that you’re afraid of. It is your greatness that you’re afraid of.”
-Nelson Mandela

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